2015 Education Evening at City Hall

2015 Education Evening at City Hall

On Thursday, February 26th, the Middle Childhood Matters Coalition of Toronto held an educational evening in the City Hall rotunda. Guests had the opportunity to learn about MCMCT members and partners, such as the City of Toronto, Social Planning Toronto, Children’s Aid Society, Sick Kids Hospital, as well as both licensed-based and community-based after-school programs in Toronto. Approximately 40 middle years children from after-school programs including Harbourfront Centre, Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club, West Neighbourhood House, and Beyond 3:30 were also in attendance. The children engaged in a workshop on finding their own voice in advocacy as well as in an interactive lesson on Beatboxing from Toronto beatboxer Balu Ballistic. The event offered a chance to get a sense of some of the great activities that children are engaging in during out-of-school time programs, as well as to look at some of the research that has been done on middle childhood.

Art Displays from Out-of-School-Time Programs